Edgar J DaSilva - Online Memorial Website

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Edgar DaSilva
Född i India
66 years
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Memorial bok
Benesh Joseph
An inspiring teacher,loving freind, great scientist. You will live for ever in my memories.
Jennifer Davis
Flowers every night Blossom in the sky; Peace in the Infinite; At peace am I.
Smitu Kothari
I am Shilpa's closest cousin. She was so happy. Edgar must have been a remarkable person with an abiding interest with justice
Suresh Narayan
I am your student who has drawn lots of inspiration from you.I was googling and I am shocked to find that you are no more with us
Shrenik Mehta
You came as the wind and you blew us away by your thoughts, views and yourself. I am truly glad to have associated with you.
Lexley Pinto Pereira
'He shall grow not old, as we who are left grow old. Age shall not wither him, nor the years condemn.
Lexley Pinto Pereira
We loved you in life, we love you in death.
Keith Fernandez
Why should I be out of mind because I am Out of sight? I am but waiting for you For an interval Somewhere very near Just around the
Una Fernandez
Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality.
Vida DSouza
The words of Rabindranath Tagore, "And because I love this life, I know I shall love death as well." aptly describe Edgar
Una Fernandez
Friends may think the wound is healed, but they little know the sorrow, that lies within our hearts concealed.
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