Edgar J DaSilva - Online Memorial Website

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Edgar DaSilva
Born in India
66 years
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Professor Graciela Munoz Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (EJB) December 3, 2007

I must say that Electronic Journal of Biotechnology is deeply indebted to Edgar. His support, enthusiasm and commitment were decisive for the achievements of the journal. He deserves all our respects and recognition.



Professor Graciela Munoz

Editor, Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (EJB)

Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

Judit Tornai-Lehoczki Corvinus University of Budapest December 3, 2007

All my colleagues and myself, are deeply grieved by tragic news that Edgar died. Please accept our deepest sympathy.

Best regards,

Judit Tornai-Lehoczki

Corvinus University of Budapest,
Faculty of Food Sciences
National Collection of Agricultural and
Industrial Microorganisms

Dr. Nasrin Moazami Director, Institute of Advanced Technology December 3, 2007
I am so sorry for your loss, Please accept my deepest sympathy for death of your uncle, Dr. Edgar DaSilva
With my warmest regard
Dr. Nasrin Moazami
Director, Institute of Advanced Technology
Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology
David Smith (Director Biological Resources) December 3, 2007

This is indeed a shock and very sad.  Edgar has been around all my life and it won’t be the same without him.  His name and impact will live on


David Smith (Director Biological Resources)

Roberto de León Sad News December 3, 2007

I am shocked. This comes as a very sad news. I am terrible sorry.

Roberto de León

Anwar Huq, Ph. D., FAAM University of Maryland December 3, 2007

Very sorry to hear about Edgar passing away. He was one of the most hard working people I have had known and a delightful person to work with. He will be remembered by many people and the service he provided for the cause of biotechnology.


Anwar Huq

Anwar Huq, Ph. D., FAAM

Maryland Pathogen Research Institute

Professor ST Chang, OBE Emeritus Professor of Biology December 3, 2007

It was with deep sorrow to learn this morning of the death of our friend Edgar Dasilva. I have acquainted with him more than 30 years. I love him very much indeed. He is truly a friend.


Please accept my condolences over so great a loss.


Sincerely yours,


S. T. Chang

Professor ST Chang, OBE

Emeritus Professor of Biology

Dr. M.N.I. Magdoub Friend and Colleague December 3, 2007

Dear Lucy,

I am so sorry to such sad news. He was a very good man in all characteristics.


SUGAWARA Hideaki Friend and Colleague December 3, 2007

Dear Lucy,


I have not seen him for a while but always expected that he would show up meetings in our domains. He has kindly and enthusiastically supported MIRCEN and MIRCE-WFCC World Data Centre for Microorganisms.


I would like to offer my condolences to the family and friends.


Sincerely yours,


G. Balakrish Nair Friend and Colleague December 3, 2007

Dear Lucy,

 I am so sorry to hear about the passing away of Edgar. I had corresponded with him many times and has also met him once. I was sad to hear of his demise. May his soul rest in peace.


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